Welcome to Stuff Counter’s documentation!

This project is a dummy extension meant to serve as an example for extensions writers. It illustrates the definition of a directive that:

  • is automatically numbered,

  • can be referenced (using :ref: or :numref:).

If you want to write such a directive, study this extension source code. The main points to look at (and copy) are:

  • in the setup() function, the call to add_enumerable_node();

  • definition of the directive (class StuffDirective in this example).

Good luck!

Table of contents


Stuff 1 A stuff with a caption

The next stuff does not have a caption.

Stuff 2

This stuff does not have a caption (althouth Stuff 1 has one).


The following code has produced the above example.

.. _this:

.. stuffcounter:stuff::
   :caption: A stuff *with* a caption.

   The :ref:`next stuff <that>` does not have a caption.

.. _that:

.. stuffcounter:stuff::

   This stuff does not have a caption
   (althouth :numref:`this` has one).
